Monday, May 07, 2007

Roodulph zee Red-Nused Intree-a

I erreefed seffely in Stuckhulm tudey. Effter getteeng 4 huoors ooff sleep beffure-a zee Berkstuck rued treep, getteeng nu mure-a thun 4 huoors iech neeght in Nebreska, und nut sleepeeng et ell oon zee fleeght, I ves ixhoosted. Heeltun deedn't hefe-a a ruum efeeeleble-a vhee I gut zeere-a, boot zee muneger ves tutelly cuul und hed sume-a breekffest sent up tu zee ber vhere-a I ves veeeting. Oonce-a my ruum ves reedy, I creshed fur a shurt nep (6 huoors). My meend vesn't reelly fooncshuneeng pruperly und I ves sterteeng tu shoot doon, su it felt reeeeeellllllllllly guud.

Oonce-a zee soon vent doon eruoond 9:30pm, I heeded oooot tu Oold Toon Stuckhulm fur deenner. Oold Toon is a leettle-a islund in betveee zee meeen perts ooff Stuckhulm und is oonly a foo blucks frum zee Heeltun. Pretty neece-a luceshun ectooelly. I inded up et Glenffeeddich Verehuoose-a 68 vhere-a zeey serfe-a Glenffeeddich oooot ooff vuud berrels veet a ledle-a. My meeen cuoorse-a ves a medeeoom rere-a reeendeer tenderlueen. Thees ves zee must tender coot ooff meet I'fe-a ifer hed in my inture-a leeffe-a. Cuuked perffectly und serfed veet a putetu ceke-a oon zee seede-a, I veshed it doon veet a lucel stuoot.

I leeke-a Stuckhulm.
Bork Bork Bork!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Woodstock for Capitalists

This weekend I get to go to the Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholder's meeting. For the uninitiated, BH is the company run by Warren Buffett, the 3rd richest man in the world. Warren is an amazing businessman, and his uncanny ability to predict what will happen in the future has earned him the title "Oracle of Omaha". Some people buy just one share of stock so they can attend this annual meeting to find out what he'll say. One share of Class-A stock BRK-A is roughly $110,000. One share of Class-B stock BRK-B is about $3600. I'm part of a group of students that help invest a portion of the University of Denver endowment, and our fund (Marsico Fund) has 10 shares of BRK-B. This means we get to send 4 people to the annual meeting. It's anyone's guess how long Warren will continue to run BH, so this is really a once in a lifetime opportunity to go. This is going to be a fun roadtrip, even if it means driving all the way across Nebraska. For those of you who keep a globe in your cube and want to see where exactly Omaha is, check out this Google Map.

From Omaha I head directly to Sweden for some HP business that I can't really disclose in public. But just in case there's a plane crash and those of you that know me want to know if I'm on that flight, here is my itinerary:

  • (Flight) 6 - 7 May 2007: Omaha (OMA) to Stockholm (ARN)

    • Leg 1: Omaha (OMA) to Chicago (ORD)

      • United Airlines Flight 992

      • Departs Omaha 12:59pm

      • Arrives Chicago 2:29pm

    • Leg 2: Chicago (ORD) to Stockholm (ARN)

      • United Airlines Flight 9358

      • Departs Chicago 4:25pm

      • Arrives Stockholm 7 May 7:45am

  • 7 - 13 May 2007: Hilton Stockholm, Slussen Location

    • Phone Number: + 46-8-517-353-00(To dial from the US dial 011- 46-8-517-353-00)

  • (Flight) 13 May 2007: Stockholm (ARN) to Denver (DEN)

    • Leg 1: Stockholm (ARN) to Newark (EWR)

      • United Airlines Flight 9369

      • Departs Stockholm 10:40am

      • Arrives Newark 1:10pm

    • Leg 2: Newark (EWR) to Denver (DEN)

      • United Airlines Flight 1227

      • Departs Newark 5:35pm

      • Arrives Denver 7:54pm

If you want to see what time it is in Stockholm, check out Stockholm's World Clock . Also, you can check weather reports for Stockholm.